Mike Brotherton, scientist and SF writer, lists this among the reasons he likes science fiction:
Seeing sides of humanity possible in no other way. How would we react to the discovery of aliens? Or aliens much smarter than us? Aliens with different belief systems and good reasons for having them? Or technology that gives us opportunities and challenges we’ve never had before? Or we will have, but not yet?
As an avid science fiction reader for more than 50 years, I continue reading sci fi novels because they push the boundaries and bonds of my attitudes about societies and beings very different from what I'm used to. They challenge me to examine my beliefs about how to deal with uncompromising adversaries.
Considered within their own ethos, the Aalaag are extremely just masters — mistreatment of their human “cattle” by one of their kind is a serious offense. But they demand obedience and a rigid code of conduct that rankles the human spirit. Actually, the Aalaag are a conquered race themselves, fleeing from some unnamed but awesomely powerful enemy that took their home worlds. They are in essence warriors, tall and proud, each with a collection of personal arms and possessing a Spartan outlook on their condition. Every single Aalaag views duty as the highest virtue, and all duty is directed towards one day regaining their lost worlds. The races they themselves conquer are used to exploit resources in support of this ultimate goal.
The Psychlos don’t just conquer planets. They don’t just conquer galaxies. They conquer universes. Only they have the secret to instantaneous teleportation. And one of their biggest operations is the Intergalactic Mining Company, which knocks natives back to the Stone Age and then systematically strips their planet of all available ore, almost down to the very core. Oh, and the Psychlos find cruelty to be “delicious.” The crooked — even by their standards — Security Head of Earth is named Terl and he is scheming to get rich by “training” native humans to do some illegal mining for him.
As humans are a culture of individuals, as ants are a colony culture, the Fithp are a herd culture. [snip} — and being herd creatures, they do not understand the concept of diplomatic compromise… you either dominate or you submit.
....these tongue-in-cheek tales of derring-do and human ingenuity in the face of human diplomatic incompetence have sold quite well for many years. In most of them, there is an insidious plot behind whatever the current weird aliens are doing that is being masterminded by the Groaci. No slouches at the diplomatic bargaining table, the Groaci are nonetheless almost incapable of dealing squarely.
Although the “worms” are the most visible face of the Chtorr, what we have here is nothing less than the attempt of an entire biosphere to conquer Earth.
Sometimes there is no way to compromise with "alien" beings and cultures, and so the decision is to go to war with them. But is that really the only solution?
After my post yesterday about wanting to bring back the "banned" movie Song of the South, I hesitate to share my views regarding what the Post piece by Ralph Peters suggests about the way we (America) deal with our "alien" enemies.
But Peters, while beginning his piece with a rather shocking assertion (that motivates you to read the whole article), ends with these statements that contain some common sense:
The point isn't to argue that Afghans are inferior beings. It's just that they're irreconcilably different beings - more divergent from our behavioral norms than the weirdest crew member of the starship Enterprise.
As an analytical exercise, try to understand Afghanistan as a hostile planet to which we have been forced, in self-defense, to deploy military colonies. How do the bizarre creatures on that other planet view us? What do they want? What will they accept? Is killing us business, pleasure - or both?
Are there tribes among these aliens with which we can cooperate? Which actions of ours inflame the alien psyche? What will the alien willingly die for? What does the alien find inexplicable about us? Must we preserve a useful climate of fear?
Do we intend to maintain our military colonies out there in deep space? For how long? Can the angry planet ever be sanitized of threats?
Of course, there's more in play than images of our "starship troopers" combating those alien life-forms that call themselves "Taliban." This exercise is just meant to break our mental gridlock, to challenge our crippling assumption that we're all merry brothers and sisters who just have to work through a few small understandings.
This is a "war of the worlds" in the cultural sense, a head-on collision between civilizations from different galaxies.
And the aliens don't come in peace.
This is what's bothering me: America (or rather those in power in America) seem to believe that it is this country's right to go out and convert those "alien" cultures to our version of capitalistic democracy That missionary zeal (as all missionary zeal does) generates dislike and distrust -- and even hatred, in the case of the Taliban -- among those we consider "others."
Sci fi novels present a variety of "what if" scenarios in which the protagonists have to learn to survive -- despite, within, or alongside of -- disturbingly "alien: cultures.
Maybe someone should suggest to Obama that he assign a sci fi reading list to his international and military advisers.
Over the years, I've accumulated a following of various catalogs. Clothes, especially, but there are other kinds as well.
But the catalog I got in the mail today is one of a kind in my long list of order offers. And I don't know how or why they got my name. I can't help wondering if someone put my name on their mailing list just to annoy me.
I mean, this is what this slick catalog is selling:
-- a 20 CD set of lectures entitled "The Hand of God in the History of the World."
-- a read-aloud series for children: "How God Sent a Dog, Stopped Pirates, ande Used a Thunderstorm to Change the World."
-- a book: "Passionate Housewives Desperate for God."
WTF!!! I guess their marketing guru never got a look at the sidebar of this blog.
Oh, and then there's "The Wise Woman's Guide to Blessing Her Husband's Vision."
Now I'm grinding my teeth!
In between all of this, pages of miltary, detective, construction, outdoor, and battle costumes and tools for boys. And what do the girls get? Equal pages of cutsy dresses and dolls, baking sets and aprons, tea sets and crochet gloves AND a book on "How to Be a Lady."
Groan. Nausea. Twitches.
And. AND. This, and I quote from the blurb on "Return of the Daughters":
For the first time in America's history, young ladies can expect to encounter a large gap between their years of basic training and the time when they marry...if they marry. Now Christian girls all throughout our country are seriously asking: What's a girl to do with her single years?
This documentary takes
... viewers into the homes of several young women who have dared to defy today's anti-family culture in pursuit of a biblical approach to daughterhood, using their in-between years to pioneer a new culture of strength and dignity -- and to rebuild Western Civilization, starting with the culture of the home.
I have to admit, the writing in this catalog is good, the presentation skilled. And that even makes it more scary. I am not linking to its website because I don't want to give it any additional visibility.
Finally, the back cover:
A Creation Celebration. ... each episode will build your appreciation for the brilliance of God's design and will teach you how to dispel evolutionary myths...
Evolutionary myths!!!
This is one catalog that I'm going to feel great pleasure in throwing into the recycle pile. That is, after I rip off the address label and stick it in the mail with an order to take my name off their !@#$% list.
So, will it be the beginning of a deeper understanding of how it ALL began, or the end of life as we know it?
GENVEVA, Switzerland - It has been called an Alice in Wonderland investigation into the makeup of the universe — or dangerous tampering with nature that could spell doomsday.
Whatever the case, the most powerful atom-smasher ever built comes online Wednesday, eagerly anticipated by scientists worldwide who have awaited this moment for two decades.
The multibillion-dollar Large Hadron Collider will explore the tiniest particles and come ever closer to re-enacting the big bang, the theory that a colossal explosion created the universe.
In case you're wondering how it's supposed to work, here's a little piece of informative entertainment:
If we make it through Wednesday, our next major worry will be election day -- which could mean the end of America as we know it (or rather would like to know it, again) if the GOP candidates win.
.... Palin is just a representation of a new dynamic that's tearing across the political fabric all around the world. She's the conservatives' answer to the new ''post-political'' challenge that Obama represents. However, it's worth noting that she still evokes old-style political responses, and that's all the people who will turn out to vote just to make sure she fails. The big turn-on among Republican voters will be reciprocated by the angst she arouses among others who have a visceral opposition to her.
From the beginning, Obama's candidacy has challenged this binary divide. He triumphed over Hillary Clinton by appealing to a new constituency. He positioned himself as representing a new way forward; using new formulations to overcome the seemingly intractable political impasses of the past. In the US, where voting is not compulsory, this still offers him a remarkable chance of becoming the next president. If he can retain the faith of the young and those who want change, he'll win. The key is to be able to mobilise these people, and keep them enthusiastic long enough to cast their votes.
Palin's supporters, on the other hand, are a known force. Although her style is a surprise and she seems new, she is just an evolution of a much older political formulation. She divides the world into republicans and democrats. Obama is attempting to move beyond these old concepts and appeal as someone who will deal with the underlying issues.
Of course, the Republicans don't want to campaign on the issues. Don't confuse them with the facts. They know what they believe.
Oh well, maybe after Wednesday,if matter and anti-matter cancel each other out, none of that will matter.