This is my brain. Well, not really my brain. It’s sort of my skull. With my sinuses. The sinuses that have given me trouble all of my life, but no one — until now — ever figured out that I have a badly deviated septum (and resulting sinus blockage), a situation that I’m going to have surgically remedied on July 11. It’s out-patient surgery — in in the morning, out in the afternoon. There are some risks, the doctor tells me, since my deviations are pretty high up — near my eyes (those large round empty places in the X-ray). But the risk factor is very small, he says. Of course, the sinuses are also right next to the brain, so they have to be careful there, too. He has to tell me that. It’s the law.
And, since they have to give me a general anesthetic and they’re going to be poking around some dangerously delicate areas, I have to have a ‘Living Will,’ just in case I wind up a vegetable, I guess. Boy, that would sure pull the rug out from under some of my family members. Heh.
I haven’t had that many surgeries — the birth of my kids, a couple of fibrous cysts, the ankle I broke badly four years ago. I didn’t have to have a Living Will those times. Maybe it’s my age now. Maybe it’s the thing about the brain.
Oh well. I’ll either be breathing really well or not breathing at all. Even the breathing well option will take a couple of weeks, what with the splint and the packing and all. At least I’ll have a good excuse to hole up by myself for a while — which, after the kind of day I had today, I will really welcome.
Good luck on your surgery! I hope it brings you relief.
I was under the knife once, many years ago as a child. But that’s not a story for this time or place.
BTW, the new site is fantastic. I am almost jealous but am content at Blogger (it’s free, after all!).
Again, good luck with your SX (I learned to use those two letters as shorthand when I worked in a veterinary clinic but, again, that is another story).
Good luck with your surgery, Elaine. I’ll hold you in my thoughts and prayers. I’m sure that everything will go just fine, and you will probably feel SO much better after it’s over! Take care of yourself!
Good luck with the surgery Elaine. It is worrisome to have to think about those risk factors, but I’m sure all will be well. Take care.
A friend of mine of mine had that surgery a few years ago. She says her breathing is better. I
Wow. Thanks so much all of you. I know it’s not a big deal piece of surgery. Maybe I’m just feeling very vulnerable right now.
Heh. I’ll bet my daughter and I wind up in the hospital at the same time; her due date is around that time. Actually, that’s not a problem since her husband’s taking two weeks paternity leave to help her out, and they won’t need me there to get in the way.
Thanks so much for all your prayers and good wishes.
You’re in my prayers and I’ll light a candle for you absolutly! When I was in the hospital Wednesday they asked if I had a living will as well. So, I’m not so sure if it’s age as much as what you’re being treated for?? I’ll have to ask my doctor the next time I see her.
Blessed BE, Elaine!
They better not fuck with your brain, Elaine! Too many of us depend on your clear-headed blog.
Seriously,there are going to be one hell of a lot of thoughts with you come July 11, mine included.
Good luck!!! Tom
Apprentice Crone will be lending her mojo to you. The only surgery I’ve ever had was to have my wisdom teeth removed (no living will required for that, even though I was under anesthesia), and now that I’m getting more active post-mononucleosis, I have lots of health vibes to spare.
I’ll be thinking of you on the 11th Elaine. I want to say something funny here about your nose being out of joint, but I will save it until after the surgery. Between 1975 and 1985 I stuffed a Mercedes Benz up my nose but they were never able to find it.
Good luck with the surgery Elaine, I’m sure all will go well. I’ve had sinus problems for years and hope they can correct it for me someday. I’ve had lots of serious surgery and I know how they can “scare” people through their pre-op warnings, but they have to do that especially in these litigous (sp?) times.
Ditto to what everyone has said. The Driveler has it right. Hospitals and physicians are required to tell you “the risks” of any surgery. Especially under general anesthesia.
Our hospital, if you are an inpatient, always provides help obtaining an “Advanced Directive” if medical conditions warrant it.
We also, below your name plate outside the door of your room, put an orange tag denoting “DNR” as a reference for the health care staff.
But I don’t think you have to worry about those kinds of things with your procedure. In another 30 years or so, we’ll talk about all those inevitable life changes, OK?
I personally want to die in the arms of George Clooney, who should be just about the right age for me in 30 years. BTW, we’ll be looking for an excruciating detailed post when you get home.