Can’t breathe. Can’t sleep. Head’s going to explode. Meds. Ice packs. Groan. Groan.
Sorry, Marek, you shirt’s going to arrive later than I hoped. But it will look something like this, only sage green and hand painted. Hope you’re feeling better than I am. Uuuuuhhhhhh. Groan.
Oh dear oh dear. {{hugs}} Hang in there, Elaine. Sending a prayer your way.
So sorry for the misery you’re going through, Elaine. Sending good wishes your way. Someone should have warned you that the real pain doesn’t hit til the original pain killers have worn off. Not sure I could even think about writing if I felt the way you do. Take vitamin C and zinc to help with the healing.
Yup. I’m doing the vitamins. Trying to distract myself, but I think it’s time to rest now. Thanks so much for being here!!
Hey, Elaine! The T-shirt can wait. Take care of your self!!!!!!!!
Pop those meds, chill out, and feel better! May we safely assume that the threat of brain damage was averted?
Look after yourself, Elaine. We’ll look after the world for you. Mind you…:)
Rest up and keep pumping those vitamins. Hell, whatever happened to Laudinum?
I hope you’re feeling better even as I type this wish for wellness. If you are feeling jiffy as you read this, please feel free to save this wish in the event that you might need one in future.
Feel Better soon.