Alexander is Here!

My grandson has arrived — born at 4:26 est, 8 lbs 12 oz, 20 inches, brown hair and he looks like Winston Churchill. Mom is doing great. Dad is beyond ecstatic. Of course, he was there for the whole thing. And now he’s taking two weeks paternity leave to to take care of his family.
So, while the Gary Turners’ baby actually will be the first born to this extended blogger family, Alexander is the first grandbaby. Ain’t that just grand!!!

7 thoughts on “Alexander is Here!

  1. I’m not sure the reality of it all has really hit me yet. When I get to hold the little tyke in my arms, when I see my own once-baby-girl breast feeding him, the reality will hit me. His other grandma is called that by her other grandkids. So I think I’ll be GranElaine. Granny. Like Granny Clampett. (Yeah, right.)

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