I’ve been gathering up the children’s books that I still have from when my kids were young to give to my grandson. (I know that he’s not old enough yet, but I need to make room in my bookshelves.) I have copies of an illustrated two-volume set of Grimm’s and Anderson’s fairy tales that were mine from the 1940s, and a Mother Goose book that was my daughter’s in the 60s. At b!X’s request ages ago, I sent him his Winnie the Pooh and Dr. Seuss books, so Little Lex is on his own for them.
Oddly enough, b!X called me tonight asking if I still had a book that he remembered from his childhood that included the rhyme about Winkin, Blinkin, and Nod. I had been looking all over for that book but hadn’t been able to figure out what I did with it. As we were on the phone and he was describing the book — big, blue, in a slip-in cardboard cover — I looked over in the corner of my bookcase, and there it was: a 1955 edition of The Illustrated Treasury of Children’s Literature, edited by Margaret Martingnon, still in great shape. He’s trying to track a copy down so that he can read the stories to the toddler that he takes care of. Our family heirloom copy, of course, will go to Lex. But I think first I’m going to read through it, again, myself.
I wish that I knew what became of a large-sized nursery rhyme book I had as a kid. The one thing I remember was a rhyme about a girl who played with matches, and there was an illustration of her running away with her hair on fire and a look of sheer terror on her face. And another about a girl who was always stretching her neck and watching what everyone else was doing. The illustration at the end was of this girl with a neck so long that she had to wheel her head around in a wheel barrow. I had nightmares about those rhymes for years. I can still visualize the illustrations. I’d love to look at them now and see if they’re still as scarey as they seemed back then. I have a feeling I got rid of that book because I didn’t want my kids to have nightmares too. Hmph.
As final note, one of the books I left as part of my bookcrossing.com stuff was picked up and logged in on that site. This is so cool!
I have to check out that bookcrossing link you have so generously supplied soon. I recall perusing the site some time ago and being intrigued by the idea. . .
Speaking of children’s books. . . I have a dim memory that has stayed with me for years of a book I experienced at my paternal grandparent’s house when I was small. As I say, dim but persistent memory – the story concerned a very bad boy, his adventures and tribulations. What I recall mainly is the color red which may have dominated the cover. Occasionally I peruse the children’s section at used bookstores wondering if I just might find that book from the distant past.
That is so cool! I left one in a train station and one on campus and no one seems to have found them. Or maybe they’re just shy. Or maybe they don’t have computer. It’s kind of cool wondering about it all. But I should put another one out. You’ve inspired me!
I still have a lot of the children’s books from when I was little, and I actually re-read them every now and then.
I remember one of my favorites was Ferdinand the Bull; maybe that’s why I’m such a pacifist these days. Now that I’m “grown-up”, one of my enduring favorites is the collected works of Edward Lear (the guy who wrote “The Owl and the Pussycat,” which I have memorized).
At this point I think I’d be hard pressed to give those gems up, but maybe by the time I’m a grandma some maternal instinct will have kicked in.
Tish, the one bookcrossing response I got re a book I left in the ladies room in a state office complext. Whoever picked it up, no doubt, has a computer in her office. I fully expect that I won’t hear back about most of the ones I leave around.
And, Andrea, you’ll be surprised at what you’re willing to do for your offspring and theirs. It’s terrifically corny.
I was doing a search for the poem Winkin, Blinkin & Nod and your site popped up. I’m not quite sure how to navigate youe site as I’ve never been here before (though I may fing myself back here again owing to the prayer to Pan and the StopGeorge propaganda). I was wondering if you could just Email it to me if you have it. I’m trying to make a picture book of it for my daughter. It was my favourite children’s poem as a child and now I’m having a hard time tracking it down.
I was doing a search for the poem Winkin, Blinkin & Nod and your site popped up. I’m not quite sure how to navigate your site as I’ve never been here before. I was wondering if you could just Email it to me if you have it. I would appreciate it so much. We may want it for our grandaughters headstone
I first heard the poem winkin blinkin and nod one night….. on the movie denis the menis and loved it but i haven’t been able to find the words if you could please e mail me the words i would apprieciate it a lot
I am also trying to find the poem winkin blinkin and nod for my sons room. If at all possible please mail it to me. I can’t seem to find it anywhere.
‘Winkin, Blinkin & Nod’
Winkin’ Blinkin’ and Nod, one night Sailed off in a wooden shoe;
Sailed on a river of crystal light into a sea of dew.
‘Where are you going and what do you wish?’ the old moon asked the three.
‘We’ve come to fish for the herring fish that live in this beautiful sea;
Nets of silver and gold have we’ said Winkin’ Blinkin’ and Nod.
The old moon laughed and he sang a song as they rocked in the wooden shoe.
And the wind that sped them all night long ruffled the waves of dew.
Now the little stars are the herring fish that live in that beautiful sea;
‘Cast your nets wherever you wish never afeared are we!’
So cried the stars to the fishermen three – Winkin’ Blinkin’ and Nod.
So all night long their nets they threw to the stars in the twinkling foam.
Then downward came the wooden shoe bringing the fishermen home.
Twas all so pretty a sail it seemed as if it could not be.
And some folks say twas a dream they dreamed of sailing that misty sea.
But I shall name you the fishermen three – Winkin’ Blinkin’ and Nod.
Now Winkin’ and Blinkin’ are two little eyes and Nod is a little head.
And the wooden shoe that sailed the skies is a wee one’s trundle bed.
So close your eyes while mother sings of the wonderful sights that be.
And you shall see those beautiful things as you sail on the misty sea.
Where the old shoe rocked the fishermen three – Winkin’ Blinkin’ and Nod.
This was my favorite book as a child but I can’t remember what particular book it was published in. It was the pictures I found beautiful. One was them in a wooden shoe fishing with a net full of stars. I’ve never seen one like it again.
Hello …… i have an orignal copy hand painted book of winkin blinkin and nod can any one tell me where i might find the value of it … it was bought in the early fifites or eariler thanks for your help
The book with the stories about the girl running with her hair on fire and streched neck is called “The Tall Book of Make Believe” by Werner and Williams