Taken by “Taken”

As I’m cleaning and cooking, I’m watching Steven Spielberg’s “Taken,” which I taped, since it runs for 20 hours. I was prepared not to like it, but as I get into the 4th segment, I find it fascinating the way he wove together the histories and myths of “the truth is out there.” The “cigarette man” from the X-Files, in his younger days, might be one of the central figures. His duplicity, immorality, total lack of conscience, and even pure evil, develop as the story line develops. What I found interesting was something that the child-voiced narrator says in relation to him — something about why people become that way — likening it to what we see often happening on the playground. “If you’re the one doing the pushing, you’re not going to be the one being pushed.”
(Addendum: Oops. He wasn’t the “cigarette man” because he died. Oh well. That’s what I get for jumping the gun.)

One thought on “Taken by “Taken”

  1. I love the series taken but I cant finish it because on the last day my tape machinr ran out with 30 min left in the show. If anyone has the last day on tape I will pay for the cassette and the shipping to my house. If anyone can help please email me at oshki26@aol.com
    thankyou….Happy Holidays….Joe

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