The Glass Question.

I went for a walk to get away from the sight of Baghdad in flames.
The sun is out here, the sky is a mildly cloudy blue, and the road opens to one pitfall after another. Half a flock of geese cruised overhead — seven of them, one in the lead and the other six making up only one arm of the usual V. Is the glass half full or half empty?
I got home to two messages from cousins informing me that my Uncle Ted had passed away today. He’s 89 and has been in the hospital for almost a month with various infections and Alzheimer’s. The glass is half full and half empty.
The radio newsman says that the nasty Hussein regime is in disarray, its leadership disorganized and confused. An historic city is in shambles. Most assuredly innocent people have died. The glass is half-full of blood.
We leave on Sunday for the funeral. We have to cross the extensive Tappan Zee bridge over the Hudson River. I usually don’t think twice about that. But this is wartime, isn’t it?

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