Creating new lives.

My friend, Joan (who bought that funky fantasy painting) is also a fabric artist (quilting with applique and various embellishments). Her quilts are nothing like the traditional notion, and she has exhibited locally. She is a lawyer and is going to be retiring soon so will have lots of time on her hands. And her hands make magic out of fabric.
I have a Renoir print hanging over my couch that I’ve grown tired of. I bought it during my last relationship and it reminds me of a darker time; the mat is a dark green, so even the colors are too dark for where I hope I’m heading.
So I asked Joan, who’s known me for almost 15 years, to make me a wall hanging. A portrait of me. Not a literal portrait, but her impression/expression of who I am based on all that she knows about me. I’d like it a little glittery. Maybe some snakeskin fabric nestled in among the blues and greens. A few buttons and bows thrown in, in appropriate contradiction.
Meanwhile, on February 1, we’re going to do an official ritual unveiling of the fantasy painting. A little magical brunch. I, of course, will officiate. I think we should wear our Ya-Ya hats, we six who meet often for movies and mayhem.
Also meanwhile, I’ve been in contact with a woman who teaches “free-form knitting,” which is something I want to learn, since I like to knit but want to do it with more creativity. I like clothes with varying textures. I am thinking that Joan and I should sell our unusual designs on the net. I already have a domain name. I just need a web site. I need someone to set up a simple web site with a template that I can just pop into and update, like I do my weblog. I’ve been trying to get b!X to set it up for me, but the truth is, while he’s a definite Geek, he’s not really a techie. And he’s been really busy with his own projects. He would probably let me host it on his server.
Oh well, since I don’t have any money to pay anyone to set up such a site for me, I guess that part will have to wait. Unless there’s someone reading this who might like to help. For all I know, I could set up another MT blog and do it that way. Only I never set up this one, so I don’t know how to do that either.
I love what this technology can do. I just don’t have what it takes to learn how to make it do it. I looked at the MT manual, and it’s all Geek to me. Hmmpff. I’m a writer, for goodness sake. I can interpret writing, but I can’t interpret codes and the related acronyms.
Maybe in my next life. (Heh. I don’t have that many left.)

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