When all else fails, cook.

As my mom continues to slowly fade and fail, I have decisions to make that will affect both our lives. Move or not move somewhere else… Move in with her… Keep relying on sweet and helpfpul neighbors… Hire someone to come in to keep her company when I go out…
I don’t know what the right decisions are. On Monday, I take her to a geriatric doctor who, I hope, will make an assessment of her and her future on which I can base some decisions.
So, instead, I cook. Old fashioned chicken soup with lots of garlic. And this easy Black Bean soup, which even my mother likes:
1 cup salsa
2 cans black beans
1 cup chicken broth
1 tsp. lime juice
2 Tbl fresh cilantro
puree 1/2 and add back to regular then heat
I added some corn as well.
When all else fails, I eat.

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