And the day goes on.

Today I mailed out some poems to a university poetry contest for poets over 50. I’ve been procrastinating for a month, trying to decide if I should do it or not. The deadline is March 15, so if I was going to do it, they had to go in the mail today. Maybe mailing them on my birthday will bring me luck.
Then there’s the other side of the coin.
I haven’t been lucky with some of my weblogger friends who have tried to leave comments on my weblog but are blocked. b!X says that I seem to have blacklisted anything that comes from I probably wreaked a lot more havoc with my blacklisting than that; he’s trying to figure it out. Bleh.
And I left my mom home to made a quick run over the the little post office in the mall so that I could mail in the poetry by Priority Mail. Mall customers are not supposed to use the post office parking spaces, but it was snowing, so of course people did (the post office was almost empty but the parking spaces were full up) so I kind of created an extra space next to the last car and was in and out in just about five minutes. Of course, the security patrol left a warning sticker on my car. That pissed me off, so I just mailed the Security Office a pissed off letter, the warning sticker, and my receipt from the post office. It probably won’t do any good, but it made me feel better.
What really made me feel better was a message on my phone left by my 2.5 years old granson while I was out. “Happy Birthday, Grammy,” squealed his little-boy voice. “I love you.”
And then I got a call from a friend whom I’ve known for 40 years. Our paths cross periodically. She didn’t know it was my birthday and called just to check in. We’re going to see “Aviator” tomorrow and catch some dinner. She reminded me of how, twenty years ago, it was I who called around and rounded people up to go out and party. So much of who I am has faded into the past. At least for now. And at least for now I have friends who continue to return my past favors.
And I made myself a chocolate cream pie with Oreo cookie crust.
The good always seems to more than balance the bad.

3 thoughts on “And the day goes on.

  1. Oh, honey! Happy Birthday! I’m so proud of you. You are such an inspiration, you have no idea. Sometimes it seems like we are miles away from any warm touch, but know you are loved and admired and we cherish you.
    We are GLAD you were born!! Kick up your heels!!!

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