knit witting

Non-blogger/friend myrln sent me the above cartoon a while ago. I wrote to the cartoonist to try to get permission to blog it, but I never got a response. Heh.
According to an op ed piece in today’s Times, A Pastime of Grandma and the ‘Golden Girls’ Evolves Into a Hip Hobby
Carol E. Lee, who chronicles the place of knitting in American culture, has discovered:
These days, young women knit during their lunch breaks, on the subway and in cafes. Trendy coffee shops offer knitting classes and sell yarn. Across the country, young women get together to “stitch ‘n’ bitch,” as a best-selling book is aptly titled. Amtrak is offering “Stitch ‘n Ride” cars out of Oakland for people who prefer the click of needles to the buzz of cellphones.
I knitted through my college days, my mothering days, and continue to do it through my aging days. The cartoon pretty much sums it up for me.
Today I went with my friend Joan — an amazing quilter — to a fabric art exhibit. She didn’t submit her work for the exhibit, but she certainly should have.
I spent most of my time looking at the yarn creations. It annoyed me somewhat that there were so many ponchos on display and for sale. I was making and selling them three years ago; unfortunately, my ideas were so ahead of the trend, that I gave up before the big wave hit. Figures.
I don’t participate in any of the knitting blogs. Practically, and spiritually, I don’t subscribe to patterns. I make it all up as I go along.

One thought on “knit witting

  1. I love that cartoon! I wonder where Hillary B. Price is located? And if she ever did receive your request to post? I have had good luck with cartoonists and photographers, contacting them to ask permission to reprint on my site; most are flattered, a few are snooty, but they always (almost always) seem happy to get the attention.

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