Get ready for the Blog Sheroes!


I wish I could be there, and I would hope that lots of Blog Sisters will spread the word. Anything that bills itself as “Tits, Twats, and the Politics of Blogging” is my kind of meet-up.
Blog Diva Liza Sabater and Nichelle of Nichelle’s Newsletter are doing the cleverly worded organizing.
There definitely are blog sheroes I’d like to meet who just might be there:
Lorraine of Stregonaria (I’m assuming she took her blog name from the Italian word for witch. My kind of woman!) Her latest post points to a NY Times article proving that “Homo Erectus was a Progressive.” Lorraine, who also posts on DailyKos, ends her post with:
Having just argued that compassionate politics do not have to be reliant on notions of God, that we do not have to cede ground to the Right on this, reading this article presents proof that caring for other human beings is a human impulse, a late impulse that contributed to our evolution, the thing that, gasp! makes us human.
So, long, long ago, our ancestors kept a toothless old man alive. For what reasons and at what cost to themselves? At some point, humans developed the notion of a common bond, of an empathy for their fellow travelers.
Do we have any doubt which party can claim that as our lineage?

And then there’s Elayne Riggs. (In the early Blog Sisters days, we had a thing going about Elayne with a “Y” and Elaine with an “I”…. we’re both pretty assertive about our identities.)
I noticed a couple of interesting recent links on Elayne’s blog. One is about the death of Dale Messick, creator of my other favorite comic book when I was a kid (the top one, of course, was Wonder Woman) — Brenda Starr. As the Times reports: Of her heroine’s profession, she once explained, “She was already a reporter when the strip started, but she was sick and tired of covering nothing but ice-cream socials. She wanted a job with action, like the men reporters had.”
Elayne also links to Tilde~‘s Cafe Press She-Blogger site. I just love the image on the shirts, which, of course, can’t be copied so I can’t put it here. But I sure wish I could. I’ll just have to buy one.
While the younger Blog Shero set is planning for its wild night at Madame X’s, I’m gettng ready to take my just-turned-93-year old neighbor grocery shopping tomorrow. Oh, to be young and a sassy Shero once more!!
As Tild~ says on her Cafe Press t-shirts:

She had the experience of an older woman,

the morals of a liberal —

and all of the internet for her wanton playground!

ADDENDUM: Heh. Over at Tild~’s, there a whole bunch of “Sweet, Savage She-Blogger 1940s-style images. Check ’em out!

3 thoughts on “Get ready for the Blog Sheroes!

  1. Thanks for the lovely plug, Elaine-with-an-i! 🙂 Can I also plug my just-completed Estrogen Month posts, where I dedicated the entire month of March (Women’s History Month) to female bloggers? I’m on the fence about attending Blog Sheroes – it’s the second day of Passover which means observant Jewish bloggers can’t attend, and they moved it from a convenient spot on 23rd Street to down in the Village which will be at least a bus and a train to get there and back… Then again, with so many interesting women attending how could I not go?

  2. I hope there’s some way you can make it. It would be a pleasure to meet you.
    All the best,
    And yes. I took stregoneria from the Italian word for witchcraft.

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