The goslings have hatched. They tumble around the grassy slope near the pond, each group of them carefully monitored by their pairs of haughtily protective parents. Each dad stands stock still, never letting his eyes leave mine as I stroll by. Each mom keeps one eye on me and the other on her charges as she herds them out of my range. It’s not just a goose thing.
I keep checking in on my son’s weblog, where he’s in the center of a storm raging around issues that are central to blogging: How deep does the process of verification/authentication/investigation have to go every time a blogger points to a political fact of interest to her/him? Isn’t the point of having a weblog with comments to give everyone — especially those whose motives are questioned — a primary, direct, and immediate chance to respond, correct and amplify? Just where do blogging and journalism coincide and where do they diverge?
Weblogs like the Portland Communique are personal explorations of public issues with links used, like footnotes, to support the blogger’s take on the matter. Comments exist to give readers the chance to refute or add to what seems like the truth.
Corante’s Michael O’Connor offers a snapshot (scroll down; the code’s screwed up)of the escalating argument. The whole deal is still going on here, with 62 comments at this point and still counting.
This mama goose finds it hard to sit on the sidelines, even though the offspring flew away a long time ago. But I do. Sort of.
The irony of this whole thing is that tomorrow is the day that I address 170 tenth graders (participating in a youth leadership seminar) as part of a panel on Should there be guidelines for blogging or should “anything go.” I’m walking into that room tomorrow with a case study right at my fingertips.
Also at my fingertips is a printout of all of the comments I got from some of my blogger buddies about that issue. So, thanks, all.
This Mother Goose has some stories to tell tomorrow.
Well, I guess I’m late, but:
Why shouldn’t “anything” go? Computers got an on/off switch just like tellies.
I think my horizons broaden by having access to “anything.”
(No, wait. “horizons broaden” is a cliche. Make that: I think I get some book larnin’…)
Have fun tomorrow. I’m sure you’ll give them much to ponder…well, as much as tenth graders “ponder” if I recall correctly. I can see it all now: 170 tenth grade kids outing every adult infraction they observe. Okay by me.
170 tenth grade kids outing every adult infraction they observe. Okay by me.
Me too. Of course, schools across the country have been getting into the habit of coming down hard on student bloggers.
I’m looking forward to reading the feedback from your youth leadership seminar.
Wait: WHAT? Schools are coming down hard on student bloggers? But why?! What on earth … I would be encouraging every single student to blog. Blogging is an enormous responsibility — it encourages the maturation rate just by having to deal with typos, comments, instant feedback, backing up your words, dealing with trolls and others that missed Social Skills 101 since kindergarten, the practice encourages interaction with the community, nurtures the writing potential, teaches what it is good, what should have been thought out more before hitting the publish button … but most of all, self-publishing lends itself as a built-in school of writing/editorial/amateur journalism and marketing, all invaluable life skills.
I bet schools are just fearful: anorexic sites, goth sites, alternative lifestyles, political wack-jobs, you know … exploration. I remember. It’s not new. It’s just easier to explore “finding yourself, it’s become bigger, global, faster now.
They need to get over themselves, these education administrators with their degrees; they are losing touch with their inner teen.