it’s a long way between here and there

Well, it’s only about 90 miles, but to get my mom and me from here to there continues to be a monumental effort.
She’s there and being cared for as her logical mind keeps slipping away.
I’m here and there. Almost too tired to care anymore.
Sometime after the beginning of August, I will have a new email address, which you will be able to find tucked away if you link to About Me. I will, hopefully, have my new ISP set up sooner than later. Maybe I’ll even do a little Kalilily Time refurbishing.
Meanwhile, please keep me in your good thoughts. I still have to move my plants, cat, computer etc., lamps, mirrors, and fifteen pairs of dollar store reading glasses that I can never find when I need a pair.
The Salvation Army comes on Friday to pick up the usable leftovers. Then I clean up what’s left.
I have had help packing and schlepping from two of my dearest friends. Michaela, I owe you big time.
I will make it through this. I will make it through this. I will make it through this.

12 thoughts on “it’s a long way between here and there

  1. Elaine,
    I hope you feel my positive thinking and supportive energy coming your way from out west, in PDX…
    You have been working on this move a lot, and for a long time. It will be good for you when it is over and you can feel more at ease and at peace.

  2. How many times do I have to tell you: Take time to smell the Ben and Jerry’s.
    I went to your “About Me” to see if the new email was there, which it isn’t. But I noticed you’re a Prachatt (sp) fan. I just found out about him from my Australian buddy. He is indeed an illuminator and a comic.

  3. Best in abundance atcha, Elaine. There is “hero” folded into the work you’re doing and the moments of life you share with us here. I’m grateful, and I am remembering you. Write when you can, but in the meantime, take care of yourself as time and tasks allow … Ben and Jerry’s sounds like good medicine for necessary moments. -mg

  4. Best in abundance atcha, Elaine. There is “hero” folded into the work you’re doing and the moments of life you share with us here. I’m grateful, and I am remembering you. Write when you can, but in the meantime, take care of yourself as time and tasks allow … Ben and Jerry’s sounds like good medicine for necessary moments. -mg

  5. Ben and Jerry’s!!! Oh, and MORE Ben and Jerry’s!!!! 😉
    And call when you need/want. But you know that already. 🙂

  6. Oh — and I think I may start a Church of the OHS (Old Horsetail Snake) cuz his advice and comments are always so right-on. “Sometimes serious, other times humourous, often wry, but always sincere — Church of the OHS”.

  7. Thinking of you. I admire your gumption -1.Boldness of enterprise or initiative.
    2.Guts; spunk.
    3.Common sense.
    Keep telling yourself – “this too shall pass.”
    All the best,

  8. I hope the move went well Elaine. I have to email you and give you the name of a fun & feisty friend of mine who lives & teaches in New Paltz. I know her from when she was a young American in Munich and we hung out in bars… She’s an artist, a feminist, a single mom, has a motorcycle (or two or three?), and spent seventies summers in Woodstock with her gran. I hope you settle in well…!

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