The 23rd Qualm

Got this from an ol’ college chum. I don’t know where he got it from, but I think it goes great right here:
Bush is my shepherd; I dwell in want.
He maketh logs to be cut down in national forests.
He leadeth trucks into the still wilderness.
He restoreth my fears.
He leadeth me in the paths of international disgrace for his ego’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of pollution and war, I will find no exit, for thou art in office.
Thy tax cuts for the rich and thy media control, they discomfort me.
Thou preparest an agenda of deception in the presence of thy religion.
Thou anointest my head with foreign oil.
My health insurance runneth out.
Surely megalomania and false patriotism shall follow me all the days of thy term,
And my jobless child shall dwell in my basement forever
And I surely have no qualms about linking to MadKane’s somewhat related limericks, including this one:
A Broadcasting Preacher Named Pat
By Madeleine Begun Kane
A broadcasting preacher named Pat,
Who quite frequently talks through his hat,
Seems to think it’s God’s will
That we Prez Chavez kill.
Then we’ll take all his oil, and that’s that.

Here’s another one of MadKane’s that you just HAVE to link to:
And while I’m on the subject, don’t miss this video from badmash.
you feel like you’re disappearing. you barely exist but for the soul-sucking needs of an old woman who never learned how to be alone with herself. she wants her framed pope’s blessing. you look through the boxes in the cellar. you know you packed it. it’s there somewhere. you still haven’t found all the things you need. you need time to yourself, time to read, time to find the items to start creating the wall hanging you’re been thinking about for the last six months. you’ve lost your center. you’ve become what she needs you to be, and that’s not you at all. not at all. never has been. why do you look like that she asks, in all doting/dotage innocence. are you mad about something? are you sad, she asks. yes, yes, all of the above, you don’t answer.
In two weeks am taking off to visit friends in Albany overnight, and then leaving from there to spend several days with my toddler grandson et al. That’s why I moved here, so I can take a break every once in a while. She won’t be happy. But I sure will.

One thought on “The 23rd Qualm

  1. More reforestation has been done in Pres. Bush’s term in office than in any previous administration.
    The Iraq war was not an “ego” trip – I feel absurd even answering this. The war was necessary based on Saddam’s refusal to open the country to full inspections. UN reports documented the weapons he had at the end of the first gulf war minus the ones he destroyed and showed that he still had tremendous arsenals at his disposal. All intel agencies around the world showed the same.
    Whether they were hidden underground, shipped to Syria and Libya or whether UN reports were wrong to begin with is irrelevant. What is relevant is that if Bush had not acted based on the intel at hand – from all world intel agencies, he would have then been derelict of duty.
    The author complains of international disgrace. That term could more aptly describe the situation had the US not taken action after 12 years of warning Saddam concerning numerous blatant ceasefire violations. That term best describes the UN which indeed took that course of action.
    The author blames Bush for tax cuts for the “rich” and for joblessness. Sorry Chuck, you can’t have it both ways. The tax cuts were across the board and the lower brackets were cut far more than the highest was. However, the cuts to the highest bracket and the investor cuts (which mostly benefited the middle class – but benefited the wealthy as well) led directly to the economic recovery after the tech bust and the 1 million jobs lost in one day alone after 9/11. They are what led to us having the lowest unemployment rate after WW2 – Yes, during Bush’s tenure.
    Most pitiful and pathetic are the lines about “foreign oil” and “media censorship.” In 2000 now Pres. Bush was the only candidate ever to stress drilling in Alaska, warning that we must curb our reliance on foreign oil. The narrow minded lib who wrote this was laughing mightily at the time.
    But this does not come close to the line about media censorship. Whoever wrote this is kidding, right? Does he mean the media that has been on an all out campaign to reshape the popular opinion of this President? If they had pulled the same antics during World War 2, focusing on each war casualty and every accusation the opposition hurls, while never mentioning the reasons for going to war, a significant portion of the country would have been up in arms about that war as well. Thanks to the media we hear about every war protestor and rarely, if ever, are credible advocates of the war brought on to explain the reasons this war is necessary. Likewise with every policy of this administrator. The opposition, whether warranted or consisting of nothing more than malcontents, is trumpeted out and their views are given full coverage. Quite different to the situation when Clinton when President and the exact opposite was true. Yet the author of “Qualm 23” insinuates that Bush controls the media. To be polite – Thanks for the laugh!

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