love that virtual library!!

Since I live about a 20 minute drive through the mountains to get to my “local” library, I’m just beside myself with delight (interesting image, isn’t that?) now that my regional library system has instituted a way to download ebooks, including audio ebooks — which is what I tend to borrow because I fall asleep easier when I’m distracted from my daily realities by listening to fictional escapades.
Being a technological idiot, it took me a while to figure out how to use the software that you have to download, but I did manage to blunder my way through it. As of now, I have two novels burned into CDs, and as soon as I buy more RW discs, I will burn some more.
The one I’m listening to these nights is Elizabeth Berg’s The Year of Pleasures. I’ve read other stuff of hers, which are definitely “chick picks,” but she writes well and has a gift for making you see and feel another woman’s inner life.
Mom’s still sleeping, and it’s just after noon. I can get some work done around here if I put my mind to it. Heh.

One thought on “love that virtual library!!

  1. Elaine, I too have discovered e-listening. There is another whole world of listening available through podcasts, which can be downloaded directly into your computer and, if you wish, transferred to an mp3 player. I totally love these! Refreshing grassroots news, commentary, music, and how-to stuff that is totally devoid of the appalling media standardization that has crept in over past decades. Most of NPR is available for downloading, as are zillions of other things.

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