bitches, bimbos, and ballbreakers

I haven’t blogged about blogging in a while; back in the “old” days, we all did a lot of that — especially as we women bloggers asserted our places in the blogsphere and commiserated on how to deal with commenters whose comments contributed nothing to the conversation and with the issue of just what family-related things shouldn’t be blogged. I finally had to resort to a system of commenter registration, as did Tamara, who wound up starting a whole new weblog.
Bitches, Bimbos, and Ballbreakers: many of us have been called that and more by some males who have stumbled onto our weblogs. There is a book by that title (Bitches, Bimbos, and Ballbreakers: The Guerrilla Girls’ Illustrated Guide to Female Stereotypes), published by the Guerrilla Girls. I indulged myself and recently sent for a copy.
The Introduction to the book has this to say about stereotypes:

It’s rearely a girl’s own choice. It’s a label someone else give you to make you less or more than you really are.

By empowering women to create their own stereotypes and to reject the ones our culture tries to squeeze us into, the Guerrilla Girls want to do our share toward saving the world from sexists and misogynists everywhere and have fun along the way.

A lot of us bloggrrrls are Guerrilla Girls at heart.
Which brings me to Shelley Powers (the blogger previously known as Burning Bird), who was a major figure in the blogoshpere before she took a long break. She’s baaaaack, this time with Just Shelleyas her home base, but with other sites as well.
And I think it’s funny that all of a sudden bloggers are discovering the clever, funny, talented, and prolific zefrank. I discovered him when I started blogging in 2001, and if you go here on my old blog and scroll down to May 16, you will see that I blogged about him then.
Ah, as usual, this crone is ahead of her time. (That’s my chosen stereotype, doncha know!)
south park crone.jpg

(That’s this Crone, South Park Style)

And this has always been one of my favorites, thanks to Gary Turner over in the UK.


One thought on “bitches, bimbos, and ballbreakers

  1. Elaine, Great post!
    How exciting to think I might have inspired it. I just might have to acquire a copy of that book!
    Look out … I think I might be empowered!
    Thank you.

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