I’m stuck.
I don’t want to stay where I am and I can’t bring myself to leave. And so the brain idles in neutral, consuming energy but going nowhere.
Outside, such startling energy. Wind, rain, lightening. As yet unearthed life, ripening steadily under it all. Where there’s hope, there’s life.
No hope here. No more words, either.

Leave. 🙂 We want grammy closer!!!
I was searching for pictures of black and whites when I came to your page. I am interested in speaking with you. Seems like your got the right mindset. Great posting. Contact me please. I would love to chat
i searched for an image… my search titled ‘despair words’… and i followed your image, then fell into the post – and for a second i made sense – to myself.
such an intriguing blog – just the sort of surprise i needed today, a day when i’m searching for words such as those.