CareShare Network weblog

The weblog doesn’t give any information about who is behind the site (and I wish it would), but the informational posts provide very useful information. I know that there are caregivers who read Kalilily Time and who might appreciate this relatively new blog.
This is what the site says about itself:

CareShare Network is primarily a platform for caregivers to communicate with each other, but every voice is welcomed in the dialogue. It provides commentaries, original articles and abstracts of caregiving- and related-news stories for its visitors. The platform is not just for news briefs and alerts but also for sharing, discussing and analyzing this important issue that affects an estimated 34 million people and their families in this country.

One thought on “CareShare Network weblog

  1. Hello,

    I am the primary caregiver for my 78 year old Dad who has Alzheimer’s Disease and lives with me in NC.

    I am writing a blog that shows the lighter side of caregiving, and offers tips for caregivers.

    Please pass this link along to anyone you think may enjoy it.


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