grateful for the good days

She had a good day, yesterday. No crying or moaning or fright because she didn’t know where she was or what was happening to her. I managed to give her a shower and wash her hair. It was such a beautifully warm day, that later, we went for a walk all the way down the driveway, out into the road, and back. She took a long nap after that.
Dementia is such a roller coaster. That’s why it’s so hard to know if the meds are working. It could be just a day her brain decides to give her a break.
Today, we’re back to the usual, with her waking up afraid and crying because nothing looks familiar.
Yesterday, the good day, she even tried to play a little on her Lowry organ. Sometimes when she plays, I sing along to help her remember the tune.
This morning, as she cried because she was afraid, I sang yesterday’s song for her, again.
Whistle a Happy Tune
Whenever I feel afraid
I hold my head erect
And whistle a happy tune
So no one will suspect
I’m afraid.
While shivering in my shoes
I strike a careless pose
And whistle a happy tune
And no one ever knows
I’m afraid.
The result of this deception
Is very strange to tell
For when I fool the people
I fear I fool myself as well!
I whistle a happy tune
And ev’ry single time
The happiness in the tune
Convinces me that I’m not afraid.
Make believe you’re brave
And the trick will take you far.
You may be as brave
As you make believe you are
You may be as brave
As you make believe you are
While shivering in my shoes
I strike a careless pose
And whistle a happy tune
And no one ever knows,
I’m afraid.
The result of this deception
Is very strange to tell
For when I fool the people
I fear I fool myself as well!
I whistle a happy tune
And ev’ry single time
The happiness in the tune
Convinces me that I’m not afraid.
Make believe you’re brave
And the trick will take you far.
You may be as brave
As you make believe you are….

She’s taking a nap, now. I should be making adjustments in the fleece pants I bought for her, now that it’s getting cold up here on the mountain. I guess I’ll do that now.

One thought on “grateful for the good days

  1. We couldn’t wake Richard yesterday, then he cries and says he did something wrong because we didn’t visit. It’s so hard with the Sundowners, the parinoia and the fears. You are a wonderful person. Thanks for being there for her.

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