I’m feeling my entropy (4th definition.)
Earlier this week, I had my hearing aids tuned. Today I had to have another tooth pulled. My acid reflux is back in business. And my opthomologist has strongly suggested that I get my cataracts removed sooner rather than later.
And Ronni Bennett has closed up shop at timegoesby.net
For the past four years, Ronni has been tirelessly exploring the kinds of issues that confront elders — those of us older than 60 or 65 who have to deal, not only with the physical results of aging, but also with some of our society’s attitudes about those of us who are now in the last third or last fourth of our lives.
I suppose that there are ways in which “older is better.” If we have learned from our experiences, we might have accumulated some wisdom. If we can still learn and stretch our minds, there is much we can enjoy that we might not have had time for, before. But getting old often does mean that, while the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak. As are the bones, the eyes, and the joints.
We are each entropy in motion. Slow motion.