How my garden doesn’t grow.

When I moved here, one of the first things I started to do was to plant tomatoes and flowers.  That got me through COVID.  Then my knees started going and I wound up getting my right knee replaced last year.  Now it’s my back that is bothering me, and this past summer was too humid to be outside gardening anyway.  So, this is what I’m left with — a shelf by a  window.

I have always had house plants, and I just repotted the ones that were getting out of control.  The vines on the left are the offspring of a plant I got some 40 years ago from very good friends with whom I am still in touch.  The orchid was a spontaneous gift from my daughter a few weeks ago.

While not really an altar as such, I did add my two favorite icons/archetypes:  St. Anthony and Hecate.  St.  Anthony belonged to my mother, and it is one of the few things of hers I rescued.  Hecate is made of wool fibers by an artist I found on Etsy.  She is wearing a Hecate necklace that I made but have no where to wear.

I guess I look at these archetypes as representing my animas and anima, although this male represents sweetness and caring and light, while the female is powerful in her darkness.

My space is too small for any more plants, but I’m happy with the ones I have, and they seem happy with me.

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