So, I Want to Start a Movement

I have a logo and a name, created with the help of  my talented daughter:

© Elaine Frankonis

But I’m one little old lady sitting at her computer.  I did write to Jane Fonda about the idea, but haven’t heard back.  How does one organize support for elder housing when most elders are not going to band together and go out and protest.  And, anyway, the most important support would be from Boomers who are facing the issue in their futures.

There is one site I found that tells how to start a movement.  I have contacted them. My earlier blog post is the beginning of a “case statement”.  The next piece would have to be the goals of the movement, and I’m open to suggestions.  I would think the ultimate goal would be to have one of the President’s Cabinet members take on the challenge.  Housing and Urban Development?  Health and Human Services?  A combination of the two?

How would we begin to work toward the general goal of improved senior housing?  Petitions at senior centers that would get sent to the relevant new presidential cabinet members?  A website that someone has to design for the movement? (I would host and pay for it.) How does it get publicized?

Or maybe it’s just a pipe dream.  Thoughts?

5 thoughts on “So, I Want to Start a Movement

  1. Great idea! I’ve been thinking along the same lines, although not with a focus on housing, just blogging in general. Is there some place that folks can join a list to show interest or share ideas until a Website is available? For openers, word of mouth might attract some of the old elderblogger folks. I saved Ronni’s blogroll, and have been going through the list checking to see who’s still blogging and whose links have expired.

  2. If the Republicans gain control of Congress you can forget any movement whose goal is to be government funded or subsidized. Seniors don’t want free housing, just a place they can afford with whatever income they have. That means somebody has to make up the difference. Here in New York, “affordable” means $1900 for a studio apt. If my income is only $1200 per month…well, do the math.

  3. So, me being me, I did a Google search. There is an organization called National Council on Aging that is doing advocacy work on senior issues at the national level. See: I think this might be a place to start. I have not yet had a chance to look at their policy positions. Maybe someone else can do this and come up with further thoughts?
    In Peace,

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