I have started a grass roots petition. Please go to https://www.change.org/ImproveSeniorHousing and sign. And share by saying something like:
By 2034,the Census Bureau projects that the US will be home to more people over 65 than people under 18. Finding safe and affordable housing for this fast-growing segment of the population is becoming an urgent task, according to a new report from Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies. The Alliance for Senior Housing Initiatives (ASHI) is a grassroots movement to influence the Federal government to develop financial and other strategies to improve housing options for the elderly. Please join us by signing the petition to influence Federal support. Go to https://www.change.org/ImproveSeniorHousing and add your signature.
Thank you for starting this needed petition. I’ve signed it.
Thanks for signing it. You could also send a letter to the editor of your local newspaper urging support and including the link.