Geographically, Size Matters

I think folks forget (or never realized) that just about all of Europe will fit within the boundaries of mainland U.S.  While there is population diversity in European countries,  it is nowhere near the complexities with which we struggle in America because of our size and because we are mostly a nation of immigrants.

For example, Poland is about the size of New Mexico. France is somewhat smaller than Texas. Germany is a little smaller than Montana.  Both Portugal and Austria are about the size of Maine.

I wonder how many folks realize that, while Russia is larger than the US in land mass, its population is about half of what we have here in America.  Smaller, less diverse, and/or less-populated countries (theoretically) are easier to govern. In terms of politics,  geographical size matters.  We used to call America a “melting pot”, but it is more like a “vegetable soup”. PBS needs to bring back it’s children’s program Vegetable Soup.

The purpose of the program was to be a television series for children to help counter the negative, destructive effects of racial prejudice and racial isolation and to reinforce and dramatize the positive, life-enhancing value of human diversity in entertaining and affective presentations that children could understand and relate to. Vegetable Soup used an interdisciplinary approach to entertain and educate elementary age children in the value of human diversity.

The show combined music, animation, puppetry and live action film, on the subject of economic, racial and ethnic diversity

Back to  size, there is even less awareness, I’ll bet, of the size of Israel.  It is about the size of Vermont.  And Gaza is about the size of Philadelphia.

I recently posted my own solution to the Israeli war, and oddly enough, Kamala Harris’ comes close.  I urge her to take it further.

A suggestion for a solution

Over on her WOW blog, Pat Taub posts a strong piece about “When Genocide Becomes Normalized.”  She asks for comments.  The following was my comment:

I don’t think think that most people realize that Israel is about the size of Massachusetts and Palestine is about the size of Philadelphia. So, here’s my solution if we in America really want to stop the carnage. Israel is a sovereign nation ruled by its elected government, so if it is conducting genocide, which it is, it should be left to it’s own resources to do any fighting it continues to do. We should not be sending the Israely government military aid of any kind — soldiers or weaponry. To appease the supporters of Israel, we say that we are not stopping their government, but neither are we helping them. This is their choice to wage their war the way their leader decided. There is a big disconnect between the Israely government and the Israely people. We support all Israely people.

 Instead, what we should do is send our best troops into Gaza to route out Hamas, with instructions to ensure that their tactics protect civilians at all costs and help them escape from the war zone. That’s where our financial support should go. And we should also work with — and provide resources to — all countries along Gaza’s borders to help them build livable camps for the refugees and provide them with food and water. No money to Israel. Our support should go to root out Hamas and, finally, help the Palestinians take back their own country from Israel.
Now, as far as Kamala is concerned. Before she can do anything positive, she has to get elected. That’s politics, and politics requires compromise. I don’t like her sending resources to Israel and I don’t like her approving the continuation of fracking. What she does with those issues after she is elected remains to be seen. In the meanwhile, she has my vote, for sure.