to those who want to let Locke
off the hook

As usual, I’m late to the latest bloggery brouhaha, which is going on here and here and here.
What I have to say to Kathy Sierra and Ronni is that I have locked horns with Locke myself, and I have blogged about the battle. In this old post I say

I’ve never been one to follow a leader, and I’ve never understood the human attraction to cult personalities. But there certainly is something in some human natures that needs to feel blessed by someone that they have vested with only vaguely deserved wisdom.

I am thinking about this because of my current altercation with a current cult figure who, in emails to me, has called me a “passive-aggressive bitch” and “doctrinaire moralis” and has accused me of “disgruntled high-horse pretense of moral superiority” and “binary black and white filters.” (Out of sheer perversity, I refuse to link to him. But he did start all of this by indicating on his weblog that he thinks I am a half-wit and an anal retentive.)

Now, in all fairness, in response to his blogassault on me, I commented somewhere that
I do have something against schmucks who publicly harass former “beloveds” and who can dish out invectives out but can’t take them. And, I have only pity and sympathy for narcissistic might have beens who seem to make a great effort to make sure the world at large sees them as emotionally stunted and psychologically deformed (by choice or circumstance — it really doesn’t matter) and then complain that people see them as emotionally stunted and psychologically deformed. In other words, as nasty schmucks.

OK. If you know about whom I’m blogging, I invite you to keep reading. If you don’t, it doesn’t matter. Move on. I have much more interesting posts to take up your time.

My retaliation to his assault was harsh and nasty. I tend to shoot back first, re-load, re-armor, and then look around to see what’s happening. I don’t like what’s happening. But, before you get to be a Crone, you learn to be a warrior. I’ve never run from a fight, especially one that pits me against a cult figure who has pitted himself against me.

He is credited by some bloggers as their teacher — someone who has given them permission to speak their hearts, their guts. In the words of Happy Harry Hardon, to “talk hard.” That’s wonderful. Everyone should know that they have permission to do that. Everyone should do that. I started when I was 17 and haven’t stopped yet. To some, that makes me an aggressive bitch. (I absolutely don’t agree with the “passive” tag!)

He has told me several times to “fuck off.” And I replied that I don’t”fuck off” (in the sense that he means it) that easily. I say that the time has come to diffuse cults of personality. We don’t need self-perpetuating personalities to follow and defer to and seek blessings and approval from. People are people, even in Blogaria. Sometimes they behave like nasty schmucks, and when they do, they should be called on it. Sometimes they write like angels, and they should be applauded for that.

I say that it’s time to invite all bare-assed emperors to climb off their self-constructed pedestals. The view from down here is kind of nasty.

You should go to that post and read the comments.
Somewhere in RageBoy’s archives Is a photo of me onto which he photoshopped a paintball/bullet onto the middle of my forehead.
So in this old post I fantasize about an out and out battle. That post includes this image:
I have noticed that Chris loves to instigate and then, when called to own up to the havoc and hurt that his adolescent sense of humor entices from others, he pulls out his back-pocket eloquence and…”sorry… misunderstood… never meant… it wasn’t me….wasn’t my fault…I would never……..”
Early on, it was Lindsay, a young woman who Locke managed to harrass out of the blogosphere. And this I know for sure because she and I were in email contact long after she bowed out of the fray.
Not only does Locke not believe in deleting any obnoxious or threatening comments, he welcomes them. First Amendment, you know.
Locke doesn’t purposely pick on individuals who can be easily intimidated. But, inevitably, some will cross his perverse path and, well, then what we have is a Lindsay or a Kathy.
In case you think I’m just anti-Chris Locke, I also have just as often posted praise for his other talents, such as in this post.
I’m just asking those who apologize (in the sense of apologetics) for Locke do a little research into his history of nastiness and give Kathy her deserved support.
So says this warrior Crone.
Notice that I have not mentioned the other people who Kathy, in her bout of fear and loathing, thought might be some of her nasty commenters. I have never known any of those bloggers to be intentionally mean. But they are friends of Locke’s who, at times, enable his hurtful antics, if only by not telling him to stop. Maybe they do tell him to stop and maybe he doesn’t listen., I don’t know.
But I do know that the photoshopped photo in the comments to Kathy’s post and the photoshoped photo Locke did of my “headshot” (heh) seem somehow devised by the same kind of mind. I could be wrong, of course. And, lf I am, I’m sure someone out there will tell me.

when the revolution comes…

Whenever my conservative Dad and I would argue politics, I would tell him: “When the revolution comes, you know what side I’ll be on!”
The following piece in This Week makes me think the we’re even closer to the time when there will be another Civil War in America:

Billionaires: When the super-rich get richer. 3/23/2007

“It should simply be called the green list,” said the Los Angeles Times in an editorial. Forbes magazine last week released its annual tally of the people with the most greenbacks, identifying a record 946 billionaires whose mega-fortunes can only leave the rest of us green with envy. For the 13th year in a row, Bill Gates (net worth, $56 billion) led the way, but this year’s list includes a record number of Chinese, Russians, and other foreigners. Noting that the number of billionaires is up nearly 20 percent over last year, Forbes declared this “the richest year ever in human history.” Excuse me for not celebrating, said Tony Hendra in In America, the gap between rich and poor is only growing, while the net worth of the world’s 4 billion poorest souls actually dropped, to less than $35 dollars each. Those who demand more equitable distribution of wealth are often derided as socialists or “bleeding hearts.” But when a handful of tycoons makes more in a day than much of the world makes in a lifetime, it’s tempting to start humming the “Internationale.”

Perhaps we’d be less envious, said Gregg Easterbrook in the Los Angeles Times, if the super-rich were more charitable. Not counting the “sainted” Warren Buffett—who gave away $44 billion last year—the 60 leading American philanthropists donated $7 billion, out of their combined net worth of $584 billion. That’s a mere 1.2 percent of their vast fortunes. Multibillionaires such as software magnate Larry Ellison, eBay founder Pierre Omidyar, and even that great champion of equality, financier and liberal activist George Soros, all gave less than 1 percent. Consider that in his day, industrialist Andrew Carnegie gave away 78 percent of his net worth. Billionaires can use only so many yachts, cars, and estates. Which raises the question: “Why do the super-rich hoard?”

Read the rest
to find out how such extravagant wealth is rationalized.
I don’t care how anyone rationalizes the appropriateness of all that wealth being hoarded by those few monumentally wealthy individuals. There has to be a better way to set up an economic system where there is a more fair and humane distribution of what we all need to live safe, healthy, and fundamentally comfortable lives..
And speaking of potentially annihilating strife, the following excerpt is from Is Missile Defense Aimed at Russia? in This Week:

Russia is not angry about a nonexistent threat to its nuclear deterrent. It’s mad that a U.S. base will be another hindrance to a Russian invasion of Poland. No matter who’s in charge, “whether Ivan the Terrible, Joseph Stalin, or Vladimir Putin,” Russia always wants to conquer, to expand. With U.S. troops on Polish soil, Poland will be protected even more surely than by our membership in NATO. And the U.S. will be protected against incoming missiles from Iran or North Korea.

Finally, it’s a

Bad Week For Queen-size beds, after a University of Vienna study found that when men slept alongside their female partners, they woke up the next day less rested and with impaired cognitive functions. “We were never meant to sleep in the same bed as each other,’’ a sleep expert said.

my Subaru lament

I have loved my Subaru Outback Sedan from the day I bought it six and a half years ago, and until now, it has given me no trouble.
I have tried several places — including my Subaru dealer — in hopes of finding out why the battery is dead after the car sits in the garage for more than two days. It has done that five times already even though I’ve gotten obsessive about making sure that I haven’t left anything turned on.
So, the first thing I did, of course, was have a new battery put in. When that didn’t fix the problem, I took it to a local repair garage, where they “tested” the charging system and couldn’t find anything wrong.
OK,. I figured, I’ll take it to the Subaru place. I told them what was happening and asked them to please check every possible source of the problem. They told me the same thing the other garage did and gave me a copy of a “computer printout” to prove it.
Well, duh. Wrong, again.
It’s a good thing my brother has a battery charger. Meanwhile, I’m trying to remember to start my car every day and run it for a good five minutes.
I”m assuming that there’s a short in some wire somewhere. Now the challenge is to find a garage that will go through the trouble of checking out the wiring in detail.
Of course, I could buy a new car. (I kinda like the Hyundai Tucson). But, for now, I’m still looking for someone who who is persistent enough to track down the loose wire (or whatever).

time for Harper’s Hooey

The hokey news you know you want to know excerpted from here.

Czech President Vaclav Klaus said that a new “anti-greenhouse religion” had replaced Communism as the paramount threat to global freedom. “This ideology preaches earth and nature, and under the slogans of their protection–similarly to the old Marxists–wants to replace the free and spontaneous evolution of mankind by a sort of central, now global, planning of the whole world.”[Reuters via the San Diego Union Tribune.]

In Beijing, weather officials were now using the word “mai,” meaning “haze,” to denote a denser concentration of pollutants than “wu,” which means “fog,”[The Economist] and Taiwan’s freeway bureau closed 600 yards of highway in Yunlin County in preparation for a massive migration of milkweed butterflies.[AP via Yahoo! News]

Celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck announced that his restaurants would no longer serve foie gras, but that he would continue to slice lobsters in half without first stunning them.

In her denial of an application for divorce filed by a battered Muslim woman, a female judge in Frankfurt, Germany, quoted a verse of the Koran that suggests husbands may beat unchaste wives. “It’s a religious thing,” she explained.[The Sun]

After it was discovered that he was drinking the blood and eating the flesh of their young women, a man named Black Jesus was captured by villagers in Papua New Guinea.[Fox News]

Four teachers in Xhyre, Albania, were censured after their students caught them drinking and having sex behind a blackboard. “I saw them acting shamefully,” said fourth-grader Elton Cuka to the Shqip daily. “Would you call someone a teacher,” asked Xhevahir Hohxa, a father, “who drinks raki at ten in the morning and gets drunk and chases the schoolgirls?”[Reuters via Scotsman]

To test the integrity of ten local hospitals, journalists in Hangzhou, China, replaced their urine samples with tea; six of the hospitals diagnosed the reporters with urinary tract infections.[Reuters via Yahoo! Lifestyle]

Families of victims of the World Trade Center attacks filed an affidavit that accused New York City of using the remains of the dead to pave roads and fill potholes.[Reuters via Yahoo! News]

As far as the last item is concerned, I have to say that it just sounds like some people are stretching their rationale for trying to get some big and not-necessarily-deserved money. Oh, yes, I assume that what they mean with “pave roads and fill potholes” is that there are some human remains mixed in with all of the debris from that horrific event, and that the whatever has been bulldozed and carted off is being recycled into reconstruction materials.
Seems like an appropriate thing to do, as far as I’m concerned.
After all, we all become dust and debris in the end. Perhaps what better way is there to memorialize those who imploded into what was left of those mighty Towers than to incorporate what miniscule pieces that are left of their structure into the infrastructure of that might City. Just as their memory becomes part of the City’s legacy, so does their matter.
Ever think of that??
Of course, growing up in a funeral home, I have no illusions about dead bodies. Dust. Dirt. Debris. Cremate me and fertiize a calla lily.

grace and spunk

Sounds like a comedy team, but that’s not what it is at all.
Marian Van Eyk McCain is a woman of great passion for life. And, at this point in her life she is devoted especially to women determined to age with grace and spunk.
An author of several books, both fiction and non-fiction, she maintains a website at, which includes a periodic newsletter. I found her through Time Goes By, and, when I subscribed to her newsletter, she asked me to write a piece for it about why I blog.
So I did.

this caregiving rollercoaster

A day of intelligent, thoughtful, funny, silly, intimate, non-confrontational discussion and conversation with close women friends, and now I’m back in hell on earth.

Argumentative and malcontented for decades, my brother thinks being such is normal, and so he doesn’t understand the symptomatic convergence of depression and dementia. And she has both. He insists on getting her off her depression medication. I disagree. She is not on medication for dementia for other health reasons.

I no longer have the energy to keep arguing with him over her care. And so I just have to deal with watching her again slip into feeling constantly sad and fearful. At least the anti-depression meds alleviated that a little.

She is becoming increasingly afraid to be alone. She follows me everywhere, keeps asking me whether I’m going out anywhere. “Where are you going? Where are you going? Where are you going? Don’t leave me.”

I try to dance with her every night, since it’s the one thing that seems to relax her anxious mind. She follows intuitively, seems to get into some kind of “zone.”
She gets very agitated when he and I argue, and so I’ve decided to become a rope. “You can’t push a rope.”

I let him go on criticizing me and just ignore the criticism. I just nod my head when he tries to bait me into a row. If he starts shouting, I leave. Go into my room and close the door. I leave him to deal with the my mother’s upset.

This is not how it has to be. But this is how he makes it.
This post is not only my venting. It is documentation.

restless legs cause gambling

Well, not restless legs per se, but the medication that’s prescribed for RLS.

The unintentional development of a compulsive gambling disorder after a medical treatment is discussed in a new case report from the Mayo Clinic. Although the extent of the problem is unknown, treatment of a particular neurological syndrome with medications that stimulate dopamine receptors in the brain appear to trigger the disorder.


According to the study, the disorder occurs only in a small number of RLS patients treated with drugs called dopamine agonists. Considering this potential side effect of dopamine agonists, the Mayo Clinic authors suggest that physicians screen all RLS patients for compulsive behaviors while taking a thorough medical history prior to prescribing dopamine agonists.

My restless legs are the kind that make me want to dance or run away from home, and I don’t need any medication for those. And the only compulsive behavior I have is eating too many carbs.
So, tomorrow my restless legs are taking me out of town for an overnight visit with my women friends for our annual shared birthday dinner. The birthdays of all six of us fall between the end of February and the beginning of April. So we celebrate together in March. And this year I certainly will indulge my carb compulsion.
And, while I’m in the area, I’m going to see if the Subaru dealer from whom I bought my car 6.5 years ago can figure out why, even with a new battery, the electrical system goes kaput if I don’t drive it for four days. So far, no one else has been able to find the drain on the battery.

taking the Curves with a smile

Well, I finally made it — my first visit to Curves for Women, where I was showed how to use the eight or so machines. I loved the place — energetic disco music blaring, behind which a female voice gave instructions on when to leave one machine and go to another and when to check your heart rate. Two other women, probably a little younger than I, were also there, going through the same routine that I was learning.
In thirty minutes, you work your way around the circle of machines three times, taking your rhythm from the music and the instructional voice. In thirty minutes, I had worked up a good sweat and my heart rate up to 22 beats in 10 seconds. And I felt great.
I was gone from the house for only an hour and fifteen minutes. Theoretically, I should be able to do that at least twice a week.
But that requires cooperation from my sibling, who will need to stay with my mother. We’ll see.

while I’m on the subject of pets

This is one of those things that most internet surfers probably have already seen. But I just found it.
So, if you’re like me and get a kick out of the differences between dogs and cats, go here and read excerpts from the diaries of each.
For some reason, my mom likes to watch the Dog Whisperer. I have to admit that I’m fascinated by how he gets just about any kind of dog to behave and obey its owner.
What kind of person would be able to get cats to do that? A Feline Mind-Melder?

how I’ve changed
between VietNam and now

I sat and listened to Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich tell his story on tonight’s 60 Minutes, the story of how in Haditha, Iraq, he and his squad were doing what they had been trained to do: responding to a perceived threat with legitimate force.
The VietNam War, with its various My Lai-type atrocities, made many of us peaceniks so angy that we too easily ignored the fact that both the perpetrators and the murdered were victims. Between now and then, we have learned more about how our soldiers are “brainwashed” into being amoral killing machines.
Apparently, it all began after the World War II, when United States Army lieutenant colonel named S. L. A. Marshall wrote “Men Against Fire: The Problem of Battle Command in Future War.” I got the information about Marshall’s suggestions from a chilling article by Dan Baum that appeared in The New Yorker on July 5, 2004 and appears on the Not In Our Name website. That article includes the follwing:

“We are reluctant to admit that essentially war is the business of killing,” Marshall wrote, while the soldier himself “comes from a civilization in which aggression, connected with the taking of life, is prohibited and unacceptable.” The Army, having just fought the Second World War, embraced Marshall’s findings.

Within months, Army units were receiving a “Revised Program of Instruction,” which instituted many of Marshall’s doctrines. It was no longer sufficient to teach a man to shoot a target; the Army must also condition him to kill, and the way to do it, paradoxically, was to play down the fact that shooting equals killing. “We need to free the rifleman’s mind with respect to the nature of targets,” Marshall wrote. A soldier who has learned to squeeze off careful rounds at a target will take the time, in combat, to consider the humanity of the man he is about to shoot. Along with conventional marksmanship, soldiers now acquired the skill of “massing fire” against riverbanks, trees, hillcrests, and other places where enemy soldiers might lurk. “The average firer will have less resistance to firing on a house or tree than upon a human being,” Marshall added. Once the Army put his notions into practice, they bore spectacular results. By the time of the Vietnam War, according to internal Army estimates, as many as ninety per cent of soldiers were shooting back. And some were paying a price.

If you Google “American soldiers trained to kill,” you’ll get lots of additional enlightening articles.
As I’ve said before on this blog, war requires testosterone stirred to the extreme.
I have come to believe that what Sgt. Frank Wuterich needs and deserves is not a court martial, but rather intense deprogramming and compassionate psychotherapy. You might want to listen to this.
Actually, what the major leaders of this country also need and deserve are intense deprogramming and psychotherapy (with or without compassion).