Heroine from the Hellmouth

I’m still a big fan on hers, even though her television series ended three years ago after a seven year run.
Buffy slayed more than vampires; she destroyed gender stereotypes and earned a well-deserved spot on the altar of feminist archetypes..
Today is the 10th anniversary of the series premiere, and b!X has a timely (it is Women’s History Month, after all) post about the legacy left by Buffy the Vampire Slayer that includes the following:

“It’s about power,” proclaims The First Evil in the seventh season’s premier episode. By the time the season, and the series along with it, comes to an end, Buffy proclaims to a room full of girls denied such power by long-dead men who were afraid to fight their own battles: “I say my power should be our power.”

And suddenly, the series breaks open its long-standing metaphor, of Buffy representing any girl or woman working her way to her own particular power, and shows the point of it all more blatantly and unapologetically than it ever had before.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer always was about one character saying to girls and women in her audience, “My power is your power.” Fitting, then, that in the end the series found a way, within its own mythology, to dramatize for us what that meant. To make her power their power.

67 is not an important number

Some people think that 6 is an important number. And 7 is also an important number. But 67 doesn’t mean anything except to me. I will be 67 on Sunday.
67 years on earth, an earth that changed drastically over those six and a half plus decades. I’m sure you’ve gotton those emails detailing the way we were back in those olden days — before television, before polio vaccinations, before wireless telephones…..
A couple of years ago, I read a piece in the Albany NY newspaper that chronicled the history of my generation from a perspective that many share. I blogged excerpts back then, and I have gotten permission from the author to post the article here in its entirety. The author left out some things I might have put in, and put in some things I, personally, would have phrased and emphasized differently. I share it here because I think many of my generation feel the way this author feels about the past we have all shared.
This fall, I will be going to my 50th (now there’s a significant number) reunion of my graduating class from a co-ed Catholic high school. From past reunions, and from the growing list on Classmates.com, I can see that I — atheist, divorcee, vocal feminist — will most likely be the ranking odd ball.
For what it’s worth, I think they would share the following perspective on the past 67 years:

2005: My Generation is Going Gold
by Silvio Laccetti
Professor of Humanities at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ

We are the smallest generation. Once called the silent generation, we are the pivotal generation of the last 60 years. We are the Rock’ n Roll Generation, born from 1940 through 1945. My generation. This New Year, 2005, the first of our number arrives at the golden age of 65.

Sandwiched between the Greatest Generation and the Baby Boomers, we occupy our own high place in America’s social history. We have served as foundation builders in key areas of American life, and we have cemented the social structure of the last 35 years. Our generation is recognized by many names.

Of course, as the Rock ‘n Roll Generation, we discovered and popularized the music that radically changed popular culture. In the early 50s, proto-rock ‘n rollers found the moondog music of black artists on obscure R&B stations. “Rock” became a cultural attitude, infusing the arts, theatre and even politics. We were the first modern generation of rebels, albeit rebels without a cause. We said rock and roll would never die and, for better or worse, it hasn’t.

Clearly, my generation is also the Atomic Generation, closely identified with the 1950s and their epochal changes. Domestic joy and tranquility contrasted with apocalyptic visions of annihilation.

On November 1, 1952, the U.S. exploded the first H bomb. Soon afterwards, fantasies of total destruction were regularly projected in film and slide shows in school auditoriums throughout the land. I can still remember the fear that gripped us while watching endless replays of that nuclear detonation. Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!

Luckily our trusted teachers taught us what to do. We learned to duck!

The Atomic Age was the most fearful aspect of a more generalized pathology — continuous, unpredictable Cold War. Brutal, atheistic communists ravaged our generation’s reality. To combat this threat, most institutions, including Hollywood and even the government, itself turned to the only help left- God.

The first Cold War Generation learned more about religion through popular culture than they did by any other means. GOD was inserted in the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954. Biblical themed epics bounded at the movie shows and nobody objected. The last significant one of this genre- for us- was titled The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965). Everyone seemed to know He had the whole world in His hands.

As we matured into adolescence we became the Space Age Generation. When the Soviet Union beat us in the space race with their launch of Sputnik in 1957, we were to be the vanguard protectors of the free world. We began preparing for careers in astronomy, physics and rocket science (Science!) math and, of course, engineering. Excitement and challenge were in the air.

We reached for the moon and we helped the nation to get there. We seemed to be reaching for God, climbing a stairway to heaven. But down that stairway had come the Roswell aliens, and others from the dark side of the moon were on their way.

To be sure, not all our generational foundations were unsettling. We were the TV Generation, enjoying a pleasant life in black and white. We were learning to live vicariously as most people do now through technology.

In one special institution (for boys only at first) we lived actively and vicariously as well. We were the founding generation of Little League. Put me in coach, I’m ready to play.

Because we passed through so many mini-revolutions we were also the cement that binds much of our society together. We went from the 78 rpm record to the DVD recorder disc, from the typewriter to the Palm pilot.

Passing through these developments makes my generation a source of wisdom which is a valuable social cohesive never to be overlooked by younger people. We have been and are that proverbial bridge over troubled waters.

My generation was gut-wrenched into maturity in November, 1963 during the long days of national mourning for President Kennedy. Mature, melancholy and morose, our momentum as generational leaders of change quickly ebbed. Our place was taken by Baby Boomers all too ready and too eager to begin their work.

If 1963 was a year of innocence lost, 1965 was the pivotal year for America and our last year as “leaders of the new generation”. In truth, we were ready to abdicate. The face and course of America was to change forever in that fateful year.

A short list of events in that single year includes: the great escalation to war in Viet Nam; the shocking urban riots in Watts; a renewed but combative Civil Rights movement; Urban Renewal; the new Immigration Act. Out with the old, in with the new!

In New York City, the last great World’s Fair closed its gates and in November, the lights went out in the city. My generation was not the one that turned them on again.

Forty years later, it’s 2005 and most of us are staying alive (oops). Thanks to new attitudes toward seniors and second careers, and with continued help from medical advances we remain an undeniable part of America’s future. As veterans of four decades of change in which America became the sole world super power we still have much to contribute. We will not fade away.

Maybe 67 isn’t an important number, but along the way during these 67 years, I have lived through some identity-challenging events in both the Big Picture and LIttle Picture. Unlike some, I have shed my skin several times along the way, re-inventing myself to suit my needs at the time.
And so it goes.

these nine women

Ida B. Wells Barnett, antilynching activist
Mother Jones, an advocate for coal miners
Dr. Alice Hamilton, a proponent of workers’ rights in the chemical industry
Frances Perkins, who helped establish Social Security
Virginia Durr, who fought to end poll taxes
Septima Poinsette Clark, an advocate for the rights of black voters
Dolores Huerta, farmworker organizer
Dr. Helen Rodriguez-Trias, a reproductive rights activist
Gretchen Buchenholz, a child advocate
It is Women’s History Day in Women’s History Month.
As I listened to my NPR station driving back from my daughter’s yesterday, the host of one of the programs was interviewing Al Gore’s daughter, Karenna Gore Schiff, the author of Lighting the Way: Nine Women Who Changed Modern America
Schiff had chosen the nine women she wrote about because these women not only had a strong sense of women’s rights and a devotion to making social change; while they were trying to change their world, they aslo took care of family and friends.
As my grandson revs up to start Kindergarten in the fall, I think of all of the children whose parents can’t/don’t have the time, resources, energy, expertise, will (or all of those) to help their kids love to learn even before they start school.
Gretchen Buchenholz has devoted her life to to helping those who need a helping hand, especially kids.
In an article Karenna Gore Schiff wrote for Readers Digest, she tells about meeting Buchenholz for the first time:

After I married and moved to New York, I began hearing about Gretchen Buchenholz. People told me how this native New Yorker and mother of six had worked on behalf of needy and marginalized families for years in the city, and how she was a hands-on, skilled advocate. She did everything from buy groceries for homeless families to start schools for children. In 1974 she founded Merricat’s Castle, a nursery school that opened its doors to kids of all racial and economic backgrounds, the able-bodied as well as those with disabilities or terminal illnesses. (It’s still going strong.)

She also ran a soup kitchen for the homeless and worked on behalf of children born with HIV, helping to get the care they needed from the moment they tested positive. I thought, I want to meet this person. Still, I felt a little intimidated. What would she be like? She was a pioneer, after all. And what had I really done in my own life to compare?

Having been brought up to value public service as well as family, Schiff understands the motivation of women such as those nine above to reach out and mother the world. In her Readers Digest piece, she says:

Growing up as the daughter of Al and Tipper Gore, I’d always known my work would involve helping others in some way. When I was 11, my mom, sisters and I were walking in downtown Washington, D.C., when we passed a group of homeless people in tattered overcoats, sleeping on grates. My sisters and I asked my mom why people were out on the street like that. She replied, “Actually, we should try to help them,” and then marched us over to a nearby soup kitchen to volunteer. The idea of becoming part of the solution to a problem stuck with me.

I, who for the time being, am constrained by caregiving, wonder what small thing I might be doing, the effects of which would be felt beyond this mountain. I guess I’ll never know.


That’s what I need, and that’s what I’m going to get — two days two nights visiting my four and a half year old grandson. Leaving tomorrow morning to include shopping at Lee Outlet in Massachusetts, where there’s no sales tax on clothes.

art, technique, and politics

19-year old Kristina Costa won Best of Show in the Skidmore College Student Art Exhibit with her 6-foot high portrait of Dumbya. She updates it regularly, having to do it at the Gallery since the piece has become too heavy for her to carry. Why updates? Cuz it’s made entirely of small plastic toy soldiers, one for each sevice member fatality in Iraq.
Go here to see a photo of her work of conscience.

the week that was

News you don’t get otherwise, excerpted from The Week:

Good Week For Outsourcing, after a Chinese man advertised for a woman to serve as a stand-in for his mistress, so his angry wife could beat her up. He offered 3,000 yuan ($400) for 10 minutes of being pummeled. Ten women have applied.

Bad Week For Rural humor, after a Maryland legislator proposed a ban on “bumper nuts,” outsize plastic testicles that wry pickup-truck owners have taken to affixing to their trailer hitches. “It’s a pretty serious problem,” said Delegate LeRoy Myers Jr. “You have body parts hanging from the hitches of cars. We’ve crossed a line.”

America isn’t the only place where science is under siege, said Nicolien den Boer in Amsterdam’s Radionetherlands.nl. Muslim creationists are waging a stealth campaign to try to make Europeans doubt the truth of evolution. They have blitzed European schools with copies of an 800-page Islamic textbook called The Atlas of Creation. The Turkish author, Harun Yahya, holds that Darwin’s theory “is responsible for all the evil in the world, including international terrorism.”

NATO member Latvia said this week it would pull most of its troops out of Iraq by the summer, to free up forces for the fight in Afghanistan. Baltic neighbor and fellow NATO member Lithuania quickly followed suit. Latvia currently has 125 soldiers in Iraq and 36 in Afghanistan; Lithuania has 53 in Iraq and 120 in Afghanistan. Three Latvian soldiers have died in Iraq since joining the coalition forces in May 2003.

Then, of course, there was the program I watched on the History Channel , which will be on again tonight, that sets a possible end time for news as we know it:

There are prophecies and oracles from around the world that all seem to point to December 21, 2012 as doomsday. The ancient Mayan Calendar, the medieval predictions of Merlin, the Book of Revelation and the Chinese oracle of the I Ching all point to this specific date as the end of civilization. A new technology called “The Web-Bot Project” makes massive scans of the internet as a means of forecasting the future… and has turned up the same dreaded date: 2012. Skeptics point to a long history of “Failed Doomsdays”, but many oracles of doom throughout history have a disturbingly accurate track record. As the year 2012 ticks ever closer we’ll speculate if there are any reasons to believe these doomsayers.

gin-soaked raisins

When my cousins visited for my mother’s birthday last month, some of my female cousins and I got into a conversation about our various remedies for arthritis. All of us females on my mother’s side of the family are afflicted with it.
Noni juice was the preferred tonic of one cousin, who has carpal tunnel as well as joints in her hands that tend to swell. White raisins soaked in gin was the preventive another cousin suggested. In my refrigerator is a jar filled with raisins soaking in gin. If the effective ingredient in that concoction has something to do with the sulfides/sulfites used to make the raisins golden, I’m out of luck because I use organic raisins (I have a sensitivity to sulfites). If it’s the juniper berries in the gin, along with the health benefits of raisins, it just might work.
Over the years, I have found sulfur-based compounds good for a variety of afflictions. The best salve for a pimple breakout was a prescription ointment I had years ago that had a sulfur base.
These days, my vitamin shake that I take every day includes my addition of a teaspoon of MSM powder. Go here for more information about Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). My arthritis symptoms are minimal.
My grandmother, who grew all kinds of (what we thought were) weeds in her back yard that she soaked in 100 proof alcohol and used for various ailments, including arthritis, also was given injections of gold for her swollen joints.
I wish I had paid more attention to my grandmother’s “old wives” remedies when she was alive. But I was a teenager and had other priorities.
I wonder what she would have thought about gin-soaked raisins.

while she sleeps

While she sleeps, I blog, wash dishes, water my plants, brush my cat, start going through my papers for tax time.
She takes several naps a day, now. Eats, goes to the bathroom, sleeps, eats……. “You’re my mother,” she says to me.
While I’m sorting through my mounds of unfiled statements, receipts, and slips of paper I can’t remember why I saved, I come upon my ID badge from high school. It’s my senior year photo. 1957. My thumbprint is on the back. It’s a Civil Defense ID. It might be the only record of my thumbprint in case something happens to me and the only thing left is my thumb.
I also find a rubber-banded collection of ID badges from my various jobs with the NY State Ed Department. I look at how I’ve changed over the years.


At 57 I was ballroom dancing three nights a week and weighing in at 135 lbs. At 47, I was disco dancing into the wee hours and weighing in at 125 lbs. At 17, I was biking, walking, dancing, and was 105 lbs.
It’s 2007. Extrapolating from the above, you would assume I would be 145 lbs. If only.
There’s a Curves in town, and I’ve decided it’s time to insist on time away from her, asleep or awake, to do something for myself. Like many people my age, I have degenerating disks, and I’ve just had several days of those periodic shooting pains that one gets with that condition. Exercise is the recommended treatment. I already take the suggested supplements. I’ve got to get off my butt and move it.
These days, as Ronni reports, being in one’s sixties is not being old. My mother is old, and chances are that I will live to be that old.
And then it will be my turn to eat, go to the bathroom, and sleep, eat,…….
Although today it’s so beautiful out, that took my mother for a walk up and down the driveway and then we sat in the sun.
Now she’s sleeping. I’m blogging. And then I’ll shred some of those old files I’ve been wading through. (It’s not surprising that Ronni has just blogged about being inundated with paper). And then I’ll figure out what to feed us for supper. And then I’ll do the dishes.
And then she’ll sleep. And I’ll take two Advil. Maybe three.

Harper’s Tuesday

Below are some news tidbits you might have missed — or, if you didn’t — are worth repeating for various ironic and absurd reasons. You can find out more, including the sources for the items by going here.

For its temporary embassy in Washington, D.C., the Iraqi government purchased a $5.8-million Tudor-style mansion across the street from the home of Dick Cheney on Massachusetts Avenue. The mansion features a built-in espresso machine, heated floors, soft pistachio carpeting, and a Jacuzzi.

Ted Wells, Scooter Libby’s defense lawyer, gave his closing argument. “He’s been under my protection for the last month,” Wells told the jurors, “now I’m entrusting him to you.” Then, he sobbed, “Give him back! Give him back to me!” Wells then went back to his chair and sniffled. It was discovered that Abdul Tawala Ibn Alishtari, an indicted terrorist financier, gave more than $15,000 to the National Republican Congressional Committee. “We need to be careful,” said the NRCC in a statement, “not to rush to judgment.”

Scientists said “quasicrystalline” designs in medieval Iranian architecture indicated that Islamic scholars had made a mathematical breakthrough that Western scholars achieved only decades ago and concluded that ancient Iranian culture was very, very smart.

Twelve senior citizens on a beach excursion in Costa Rica during their Carnival Cruise Line vacations drove off two muggers, while a 70-year-old American put a third in a headlock, broke his clavicle, and strangled him to death.

With its new slogan “The Light is On for You,” The Archdiocese of Washington launched a marketing blitz that included ads on buses and subway cars, 100,000 brochures, and a highway billboard in an effort to get Catholics to confess.

After widespread opposition from residents of Utah and Nevada, the Pentagon canceled its plan to test a large non-nuclear bomb as part of Operation Divine Strake.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University confirmed that mothers suffering from heartburn are likely to give birth to hairy newborns.

Scientists in Senegal watched chimpanzees fashion spears from sticks and use their weapons to stab sleeping bush babies.

Thousands of spectators at the Rose Monday parade in Mainz, Germany, watched a float of President Bush being spanked by the Statue of Liberty.

Some very “interesting” news came out too late for this weeks Harper’s Weekly. I can’t wait to see how this whole thing plays out:

James Cameron’s “The Lost Tomb of Christ,” which the Discovery Channel will run on March 4, argues that 10 ancient ossuaries — small caskets used to store bones — discovered in a suburb of Jerusalem in 1980 may have contained the bones of Jesus, according to a press release issued by the Discovery Channel.

If only.

how do you know what’s true

When you turn on the national and international news these days, no matter what channel/perspective you watch, you can’t help wondering exactly what the truth is.
Why don’t they just give a lie detector test to Bush and Cheney, and Tony Snow, and Libby and Howard K. Stern and whoever else might well be lying? And how about all of those supposed terrorists held at Gitmo? Couldn’t we have avoided all of that mess that we got ourselves into by, instead, hooking them all up (one at a time, of course) to a polygraph??
Well, I guess it’s not that simple, and a friend of mine from college, who was a polygraph operator for the CIA in Viet Nam, has a new book coming out next month that deals with that subject: Gatekeeper: Memoirs of a CIA Polygraph Examiner
Excerpted from the book description at Amazon:

John F. Sullivan was a polygraph examiner with the CIA for thirty-one years, during which time he conducted more tests than anyone in the history of the CIA’s program. The lie detectors act as the Agency’s gatekeepers, preventing foreign agents, unsuitable applicants, and employees guilty of misconduct from penetrating or harming the Agency. Here Sullivan describes his methods, emphasizing the importance of psychology and the examiners’ skills in a successful polygraph program. Sullivan acknowledges that using the polygraph effectively is an art as much as a science, yet he convincingly argues that it remains a highly reliable screening device, more successful and less costly than the other primary method, background investigation. In the thousands of tests that Sullivan conducted, he discovered double agents, applicants with criminal backgrounds, and employee misconduct, including compromising affairs and the mishandling of classified information.

John’s first book was Of Spies and Lies: A CIA Lie Detector Remembers Vietnam. According to one reviewer, who also says This book is so good I have added it to the select list of intelligence reform books recommended by the Council on Intelligence:

The entire book is a gem. While I do not relish factual and temperate evidence that our clandestine operations in Viet-Nam were largely a sham; that we were the useful idiots to local authorities using us as a cash cow and tool of vengeance on their personal enemies; that most of our officers were drunk or adulturous or incompetent or all three at once; that our top agent really did not have the access he claimed to have but was simply a high-quality channel for his uncle to sell information collected from various local and mostly open sources–all this is depressing. It is also instructive.

While John was discovering painful truths about Viet Nam, an eventually-to-be friend of mine was a student in college protesting that war. I met him years later when he became my therapist, my mentor, and a good friend.
Today, Ed Tick, through his Sanctuary: A Center for Mentoring the Soul, is doing groundbreaking work in helping individuals, particularly soldiers, to deal with PTSD. He currently is featured on the website of Voices in Wartime for his grassroots project Soldier’s Heart.
Ed’s books, War and the Soul and Sacred Mountain: Encounters With the Vietnam Beast force us to look deep into the dark destruction that war rages on the very center of our humanness and sanity.
Both John and Ed use their experiences and their narrative talents to expose truths about war and its trappings that most of us would not have a chance to learn about. They know what’s true. Believe me.